Saturday, 19 September 2015

Blog # 2

Today we touched on pedagogical content knowledge. We learn't to unpack, make connections, mathematical ideas, sensibilities, critical ideas, and play driven lessons. We touched on grades 1-8 in the Ontario curriculum suggesting that the central idea for lesson plans should be to make a plan, do the plan, and generally see how you did naturally. Solving the plan should model the natural process to build the same schema for students. 

We touched shortly on brain plasticity, and neroplasticity where the hippocampus grows after inquiring efficient information. I found this information really interesting in discussing the original algorithms we learn't in the early 90's. The potential that everyone can learn math if its taught in a more tactile and diverse way stood out to me the most. Using group lesson plans, open-ended questions, multiple entry points, and a high ceiling mentality.

I thoroughly enjoyed this youtube video on Brain Crossing:

The example of London Taxi drivers really stood out to me. Comparing learning complex routes, by repetition, and the study of brain growth and its ability to adapt. That there isn't difference between high- low ability learners that all students can change in 3 weeks, or a year. Every child has the ability, and potential to grow and each learning experience changes their fixed ability. I am excited for the potential to rewire our society and provide resources for new generations of learners to think out side the box! 

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