Thursday, 29 October 2015

Math Blog # 6 Ratio & Proportions

This week I presented my math lesson on Ratio, and Proportions.  This was a huge learning experience for me. Its interesting how you can review a lesson so many times, yet when you present it to your class it doesn't go as planned.

The idea was that I would explain the scenario to the class and demonstrate how to measure each sample. Then I would have each group sample the next two with a partner. I feel like I should  have been more clear, and gone through the instructions thoroughly. This might have made the expectation more clear.

This is a great activity to explore as students grasp the concept of percent, ratio, and proportion, as percent is one form of ratio. 

My intent was to develop a lesson that would: 
  • Investigate that proportionality is a multiplicative process and not an additive process.
  • Consolidate concept understanding and procedural fluency for ratio, proportion, and percents.
  • Solve problems involving percents, fractions, and decimals in a variety of contexts. 

    A themed activity is always a fun, and interactive way to introduce a topic. However, I realized during my presentation that this is an activity that required an entire period to demonstrate properly. 
If I were to do another micro lesson I would approach it differently. I would ask one question to draw a select number of curricular expectations. Insuring I really got the point across. 

Lesson Example: 

A concrete example would allow for the students to explore how they would individually approach the question. After they explained how they would approach it I would show them two different ways to solve the equation. They could also work in groups to present their strategies. I loved the idea of math meetings outlined on week 6. 


       - Share in groups 
       - Get clarity
       - Learn new strategies 


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